Thursday, May 30, 2013

The weather has been wonderful, so I am trying to discipline myself and take kiddos to the park/playground at least three times a week. After all the toys have been played with for the thousand time,and scattered in every room, (I found trains in my bathroom drawer this morning), cartoons watched, books read, puzzles put together, coloring pages (and walls!) colored - they go crazy and I go crazy watching them going crazy. I put on my brave mama face, dress them, pack snacks, and off we go to explore. And I am learning patience...and to be thankful be truly grateful for a chance to watch them grow, jump, run, be silly, swing and laugh..I try to breathe in every moment afraid it will end so soon..they will grow up, go on, leave the nest...but for I now I bottle in these moments....I try to remember not to grumble at them when they are cranky, tired, hot, loud, annoying.....when I am tired, cranky, hot, selfish...because in the end I must realize I am not perfect, I am selfish, and I cant expect my children to be perfect to satisfy my selfish self..I have to figure out how to put aside "me," "my needs", "my wants," "my problems," "my anxieties," and serve God and obey God by serving my children..who are not mine, but are given to me by God for some time...
Wowsa! How did I get here? :)

So I try to capture the moments. I grab my point and shoot gadget, and I click away...and now I post so I can I can learn to be be present in this this season of life...

Sassy girl with so much sweetness

Beautiful lake with pretty cool looking turtles (I dont know who taught him to pose like that :), but husband said to stop the posing. Oops. )
 watching bugs with new friends ...oh the wonder..the excitement of watching tiny creepy-crawly creatures....When was the last time I stopped to breathe in and appreciate God's creation? Like a child.


We met a wonderful Mama yesterday with two little ones. They are from Moscow, Russia! So fun to hang out and just chat with another Russian speaker. 
Vroom- vroom! 
 munchkins in action
 oh my aching from abundant love...
this smile...
 ha! had to post this one..I was invited to a picnic by my son to a child size house..Fun times! My knees were hitting my chin, but, hey, the little ones fed me :) 
 determined to play with big kids. Forget the baby playground. 

God, I thank you for the life you have so graciously given me...

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