Friday, June 7, 2013

so do you want to know how the rest of my Friday went? was smooth sailing..until I spilled Welch's grape juice (and not the white grape kind) and ketchup simultaneously on the light beige carpet. Yes. I am very coordinated like that. I was trying to put away 64 oz  of juice bottle in the fridge along with a small ketchup container...the lid on the juice bottle was open...and the ketchup somehow got busted...Yes.  I sighed. Very loudly. But I reminded myself of a promise I made to myself not to freak my kids were watching me..watching my every move....Yes, my old self would flip the biscuit! Scream. Blame. Oh yes. Blame. Everyone. And everything including the dumb juice bottle cap. Yes. I raised my voice today, but only to remind my children to observe my disaster on the sidelines and not to step onto my newly colored purple and red carpet. I cleaned it. The husband came in just in time to wisk away the little princess. He also helped clean. The carpet looks like nothing ever happened, same old dirty light beige carpet. How do I find miracle in such moments? I dont know...but for now I thought.."Hey, this is not the end of the world. Its just juice and ketchup. I have carpet. I have a beautiful home. I have wonderful kids. I have amazing husband. Who cares about the stupid carpet?!"

I am kind of woozy right now...I have major teeth pain...long overdue rootcanals are kicking I am on some medication..and I am still trying to be thankful...heard on the news that 6 people in California were killed in a shooting spree very I am enduring pain and trying to be thankful in the midst of it ..thankful that my Heavenly Loving Father gave me another day to see, to be, to smile, to watch my babies grow, laugh, cry, play, run, mess up this place, to feel my husband's embrace, to hear his voice...Thank you God...Here it is...Miracle. Life. Life is a miracle.

And to round up the post. Here is what we had for a side to our fajitas tonight....

Easy-peasy Hummus ( I know hummus and fajitas dont go together. But who came up with that rule? :) )
Yes. I love lots of olive oil on mine.
and homemade pita chips. Ok. Semi-homemade. Whole wheat pita bread cut in 8 pieces each, drizzled with EVOO and baked at 375 F 4 minutes on each side. Delicious!
I used to just mash up the hummus, add chopped garlic and olive oil and call it hummus  :) Not so much anymore.
1 can of chickpeas
2-5 tbsp olive oil
juice of 1 lemon
1/2 clove of garlice (half of the whole clove!)
1/4 cup tahini sauce  - this is what makes the hummus AMAZING! Seriously.
cumin - pinch
I dont have a food processor, so I still mash all the ingredients with a potato masher. I used garlic masher for my garlic. The hummus comes out much more coarse than the store bought kind. But we are used to it, so no biggie for us but by all means use food processor. At the end I did use as I call it "stand up" blender I used to make baby food to kind of make it smoother.
Its good! Try it.

Meds are kicking in. Better go catch some zzzzzzzs...

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